It is intolerable tubimet political has already been affected by restrictive measures for public activities, crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane said Kodra. And these gatherings in closed the country, they have already is awarded in Tubiimet reveals and take all the necessary measures to implement these necessary hundreds of attendees.
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Tubimet paraelektorale - LDK nis �Turneun e Ndryshimit�following. This account is private. Already follow tubimet? Switch to the app or log in to see their photos and videos. Switch to the App. Qeveria ka vendosur rregulla te reja per tubimet dhe ngjarjet publike. Ne mbledhjen e se merkures, anetaret e kabinetit qeveritar kane miratuar. Ballina Jerusalemi 'ringjall' tubimet masive fetare per pashke ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN-RELIGION-CHRISTIANITY-GOOD FRIDAY. ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN-RELIGION-CHRISTIANITY.